Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Getting Skullcramps Again!

Everyone should be shouting our their windows, "I'm as mad as hell and I can't take it anymore." The corruption of the politcial system makes a mockery of our wonderful democracy. What the heck happened to our political players working for honest hard working Canadians? Was there ever a time when politicians were not self-serving and working for the common good?

It has taken time but the liberial socialist engineering scheme has now reached a tipping point and is soiling our daily life. It is now ok to help yourself to whatever is not locked down or locked up. There are no consquences for inappropriate or criminal behaviour. We are all at risk and vulnerable to a world of choas and everyone for themselves mentality.

Ordinary men and women, the great silent majority, will be pushed, prodded, abused, used and embarassed until a certain moment happens. Then and only then do the masses unite under one common issue and purpose. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.....the clock is ticking. We need a few leaders to step forward and delivery a message of accountability. I'm still looking for one and I wonder if tonights Vice Presidential debate will allow a certain person to deliver this message. In a few hours we will all know.

Stay safe, Pop

I Must Be In An Alternative Universe

"I thought McCain was Mr. No-Earmarks, and Mr. Anti-Wasteful Spending? Well, history will record that McCain voted in FAVOR of a bill that provided subsidies to wooden arrows for children, bear DNA research, racetrack pavement, and movie and TV production! AND, this bill is entitled EMERGENCY ECONOMIC STABILIZATION ACT! Oh, please!

McCain deserves to lose this election. So does 0bama. We are so screwed. Although this is NOT the end of the US as we know it (and our old textbooks taught it), but you CAN see the end from here.

The United States of Alice's Wonderland. On a colossal scale in DC, we see clearly the stupidity, corruption, incompetent, obfuscation, greed, dishonesty, incoherent, sleight of hand, despicable, disgusting people we actually put into office by voting for them!"

My thanks to MjinVa who wrote that comment. My take is that the ordinary guy is beginning to awake. This guy is now putting down the tv remote and the beer can. He is starting to wonder what the hell his government, politicians, political party hacks, and the mainstream media are doing to him, his family, and his ole' drinking buddies. This is nuts!

You get a guy, McCain, who is talking about changing things in Washington, who gets a terrific running mate, and then signs onto a sleazy piece of legislation full of stuff that he has been so against. McCain talked the talked but when it came to standing on his beliefs and principles he let himself down and I think a lot of American's who were looking for some leadership.

Instead, I guess McCain is either with the 9 percent Congress or just doesn't see the full picture or hear's the frustration from the ordinary guy. This is bad news no matter how you slice it.

Each day I read and see things that make me believe that I must in a drug induced parallel universe. How can such idiotic behaviour be acceptable? The answer is simply that ordinary guy is only stirring and has not decided to call these politicians out! Yet!! However, the public mood is changing. The question is who will make the call for action?

I am old enough to realize that things do change, people come and go, and that in most cases good does prevail over evil. I am just not sure that this is the time. Things may have to get worse before the frustration and aggrevation leads ordinary people to action.

Stay safe, Pop