The heat in the kitchen!
Ok, we are only hours away from the first Presidential Debate. OMG! Pass the Popcorn. In the past this one debate usually defines who is most Presidential and who will most likely become President of the United States of America.
I cannot believe that either of these two politicians are the best that America has to offer. It is a shock but nothing to the coming nightmare of what is happening on wall street. All I can say is, "it is about time!"
The buck always stop with the tax payer. It is the people who have the power. Once they start getting hit in the wallet people start paying attention, begin asking questions, and demanding how in the hell did we get here? For too long people have been caught up in the own little worlds while they were being robbed blind. When this all plays out there should be a serious price to pay for politicians at the voting booth. Only time will tell how pissed off the voters really are.
Tonight, everyone should be tuned in to this debate. So turn up the heat in the kitchen and see who really can take the HEAT!
Stay safe, Pop